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Author: Hydro Tek

The Eternal Question: Is a Cold Water or Hot Water Pressure Washer the Right Choice?

The Eternal Question: Is a Cold Water or Hot Water Pressure Washer the Right Choice?

Any company that sells pressure washer knows that one of the most commonly asked questions by clients is whether they should choose a hot water pressure washer or a cold water pressure washer. The answer can in some situations it’s easy to choose one over the other but that isn’t always true. Read on for advice from the pros and then reach out to Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 with additional questions.

Many aspects are the same

Cold and hot water pressure washers have quite a few things in common, which is one of the reasons people sometimes have trouble deciding between them. for example, they have models with identical flow rates, identical pressures, and identical capabilities of cleaning either outside or indoors. With these factors relatively identical, there must be some other factors taken into consideration to choose.

The three key elements to hot water pressure heaters

Hot water pressure washers are much better at cleaning grease, thanks to the three elements that propel it: Heat, soap, and agitation. Heat creates a molecular action that’s very fast and that helps the cleaning agent work much better. It also lowers the surface tension of water, which further allows for penetration of grime right down to the molecular level.

The agitation comes from the water volume and pressure. Think of this is the force of your hand scrubbing a bowl in your sink. Finally, there’s the soap, which is typically called detergent when used in pressure washers. Its chemicals work to break down the bond that’s formed between the surface of what’s being cleaned and the dirt, grease and grime that’s clinging to it.

The bottom line: Hot water works best on some things and cold water is better on others

If you’re cleaning something that has a lot of oil or grease then you’re going to want a hot water option. This would include engines, auto parts, etc. Once again, think about cleaning your own dishes in the sink. Do you want to clean a greasy pan with cold water? No – because the heat essentially melts the grease while cold water just pushes it around.

Cold water pressure washers work just fine on things like sand or caked on mud, or even if you’re trying to strip paint. When you combine it with a high quality soap (or detergent) then a cold water unit can be quite effective. However, anything that a cold water pressure washer is capable of cleaning is going to be cleaned faster and better by hot water.

Why wouldn’t everyone choose a hot water heater?

You may be wondering why everyone wouldn’t choose a hot water heater. After all, it supposedly works better – right? Yes, it does – but it also costs more. In some cases (depending on the model) it will cost more to buy a hot water unit but it will always cost more to use hot water than cold water.

Do you have additional questions? Reach out to Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 to get the answers you need.

These Two Questions May Be All a Person Needs to Select a Pressure Washer

These Two Questions May Be All a Person Needs to Select a Pressure Washer

For many of your clients, they may have a hard time figuring out which pressure washer they want. They may go back and forth and come into your shop several times before making up their minds. While there are obviously enormous differences between options and you do want your clients to choose the one that works best for them, you also want them to make a sale.

Following are the two questions that can be all a person needs to answer to decide which pressure washer will work best for their needs. Read on to learn more and then reach out to Hydro Tek online or by calling 800-274-9376 .

The two questions

First, a person needs to ask themselves if they’re going to need a pressure washer that has wheels so that it can be moved around easily. Or are they planning to primarily use it for items that can be moved to the pressure washer?

The second question is: Will they be using it on a job site? If so, they’re likely to need a gas pressure washer. On the other hand, if you’re not going to use it on job sites but in another application, then they need to ask themselves if they think they’ll have easy enough access to electricity to use an electric model.

Compare electric and gas pressure washers

If a person is cleaning indoors and using an electric pressure washer then they’re going to be limited to using it near a source of electricity. Many people assume this means an electric pressure washer isn’t ideal if it’s going to be used outside, but again this depends on where it’s going to be used. If it will be near an electric outlet, then an electrical option may be fine.

Water must be considered

The vast majority of pressure washers get water from a garden host or a spigot. However, others are designed to pull water from large tanks. These are better options if on-site cleaning will be done because the unit can be used at sites that don’t have water.

Consider how often you’ll use it to decide on the quality of washer you need

Your clients will need to think about how often they think they’ll use the hot or cold water pressure washer in an average week. Those who think they’ll be using it for fewer than 20 hours a week may choose a mid-range model that offers bare-bones design but has a direct-drive pump.

For companies that are going to use a pressure washer more than 20 hours a week, a top quality unit is necessary. The good news of course is that Hydro Tek offers exceptionally high quality units at competitive prices. To learn more about our current catalog, and to get any of your questions answered, reach out to Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 .

Why Choose Hydro Tek Products? 5 Reasons You Can Get on Board With

Why Choose Hydro Tek Products? 5 Reasons You Can Get on Board With

If you’re looking for the best manufacturer of pressure washers in the United States, you’ve got a few options to sift through. At Hydro Tek, we’re very familiar with what the competition can offer and we’re here to confidently tell you that offer the best of all worlds. Read on to learn more and then call us at 800-274-9376 for your quote.

  1. All pressure washers and parts are made in our United States factory
  2. In this day and age, consumers want products that were built in the U.S. They want to support local economies, they trust our regulations here to keep their products safe, and they simply prefer US made products. That said, there are those out there who claim that manufacturing is dead in this country or that companies can’t afford to make their products without going overseas. We’ve proven them wrong.

  3. You can trust the durability of our products
  4. A pressure washer is a big investment. Nobody’s looking for a pressure washer that’s going to just get them through the next few years – they want one that’s built to last a lifetime. With our sturdy, corrosion-resistant stainless steel, you can trust that the products made by Hydro Tek are built to stand the tests of time.

  5. Our safety and quality are certified
  6. We believe in creating products that are of the highest quality and that are safe for the end consumer. This is evidenced by the fact that we adhere to the quality standards requirements of the ISO 9001:2015. You can count on each and every hot or cold water pressure washer coming out of our factory to be consistently of the same high quality. From our paperwork handling to our design process to our 47-point comprehensive final inspection, we are totally committed to offering the best quality possible.

  7. We have a strong distributor network
  8. We know that no matter how exceptional our products are, if they don’t get in front of potential clients they won’t be doing any one any good. That’s why you’ll be please to know that we have an extremely strong distributor network. To learn more about that, contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 for detailed information.

  9. Every pressure washer comes with a lifetime coil warranty
  10. If you want proof of how strongly we believe in our products, consider our lifetime coil warranty. It protects against leaks in the coil pipe for the life of the pressure washer. It applies to any Hyrdro Tek machine up to 300 BAR (4300 psi). Of course, as is true of any warranty, it doesn’t cover damage that’s caused by misuse or neglect, nor does it apply to any damage done if the machine freezes.

If you’re ready to learn more about the ways in which Hydro Tek has been changing the game of pressure washers for decades, then we welcome your phone call at 800-274-9376 .

4 Reasons the Hydro Tek Spiralast Coil is the Best in the Business

4 Reasons the Hydro Tek Spiralast Coil is the Best in the Business

Hydro Tek is proud of the fact that our Spiralast heating coil is made right in our certified manufacturing facility. We follow ISO 9001 standards and control every step of the creation of each of our coils. From the quality of the material, to the exacting process we use to make it, to the incredible completed product, we believe this is the best heating coil in the business. For five years now we’ve been creating the best heating coil on the market.

  1. The performance is second to none
  2. There are likely a number of factors you’ll consider when choosing a hot water pressure washer, but the most important is likely to be performance. That’s why we start off with this – the performance of our Spiralast Coil is incredible. When a typical pipe is bent in a tight radius, the pipe is actually stretched, which lower the thickness of the wall. The result is that a weak point is created and the inside diameter of the pipe shrinks – all of which helps restricts flow.

    On the other hand, our Spiralast coil is made with a unique cold-rolled process. As a result, its bend radius is much higher – which leads to a coil that’s stronger and that has lower flow restrictions.

  3. Higher efficiency is helpful in numerous ways
  4. The spiral design of our heating coil means that it’s much more efficient. This is great for a number of reasons, including the fact that it results in less pollution – not to mention less fuel consumption. That’s right, it keeps costs and pollutants down.

  5. Our manufacturing process is incredibly precise
  6. The specific, proprietary method in which we manufacture this heating coil is done using robotic welding. This allows us to be incredibly precise when welding. It totally eliminates joints as a weak point, which builds a strong, sturdier, and more reliable heating coil.

  7. We guarantee our heating coil for the life of your pressure washer
  8. We are proud to offer our distributors the opportunity to put their customer’s minds at ease by offering them a lifetime warranty on their Spiralast Coil heating element. That’s right – if the heater coil leaks under any typical conditions then we will replace the coil at no charge to the customer at all.

This doesn’t apply to all Hydro Tek machines but it does apply to all of them all the way up to 4300psi (300 bar). Of course, this lifetime warranty doesn’t apply if the coil is damaged as a result of being left in freezing conditions or if the customer has altered or misused the equipment. That said, this lifetime warranty is valid for machines built after February of 2014.

The Spiralast Coil is just one part of our hot water pressure washers. Now that you’ve seen the incredible care we put into this single part, you can imagine the quality of our pressure washers overall. Learn more by calling us at 800-274-9376 today.

The Benefits of Our HE Series of Commercial Hot Water Pressure Washers

The Benefits of Our HE Series of Commercial Hot Water Pressure WashersIf you’re in need of a commercial or industrial hot water pressure washer then you’ve certainly come to the right place – Hydro Tek offers incredible machines that can meet a wide range of needs. Our latest beast that we’re quite proud of is the all new HE series. This is an eco-friendly, 100% electric hot washer that will blow you out of the water. Read on to learn more about its benefits and then contact us at 800-274-9376 to find out how you can carry them.

There are no hazardous fumes with this pressure washer

Gone are the days when hazardous fumes were simply an accepted part of power washing. The HE Series is an totally exhaust free unit that has no emissions or fumes. This makes it perfect not only for the eco-friendly company but for those who need to use it indoors. There’s no need for combustible fuels, thanks to the 460V, three-phase power. It means the end of filling fuel tanks, worrying about emission requirements, and changing oil filters.

Maintenance is a thing of the past

The heating system used on this power washer is uniquely maintenance free and utilizes galvanized pipe. The heating system gets water to 250 degrees F instantly and consistently provides hot water until you turn it off. The frame has been powdered coated to protected all the vital elements that make this unit run in even the world’s harshest environments.

Rust can be a concern of the past

The motor cover and coil enclosure are both made of stainless steel that’s 100% rustproof. Why worry about corrosion when you can simply purchase the best power washer in the business and make that worry a thing of the past?

There are a lot of benefits of 100% electrical operation

You know that electric operation means you get to enjoy emission free heating, which is enviro-friendly, doesn’t have fumes, and skips the emissions, but those aren’t the only advantages to this type of system. You also eliminate the need to worry about storing or transporting combustible fuels.

Save money and get what you need more quickly

Our unique Rapid Sequence Heater gets you hot water right when you need it, offers an unlimited supply, and doesn’t require you to wait for huge tanks to heat up. What’s more, you don’t have to pay energy costs of keeping water heated in case you need it. Our Smart Start Technology works to stage startup automatically to prevent surging at startup. Worried about circuit overload? This prevents it.

These are just some of the advantages. If you want to know whether this is the right unit for your location to sell, or you want more information on our other products, reach out to Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 . We are passionate about this business and work tirelessly to bring you the best possible products to pass on to your clients.

The Incredible Features of Our Completely Self Contained Gas Powered Vacuum Recovery System

The Incredible Features of Our Completely Self Contained Gas Powered Vacuum Recovery SystemYour pressure washing equipment creates waste – there’s no way around it – but you can get yourself in control of where that waste goes. This can be essential if you regularly clean up oil or work with toxic chemicals you don’t want released into the environment. The good news is that Hydro Tek offers the industrial vacuums you need.

Our equipment is capable of vacuuming up water and pumping it straight to your sewer, bulk tank, landscape – or wherever you like. Never deal with wasting time or big delays in your cleanup process. Read on to read more about one of our newest options, the completely self-contained gas powered vacuum recovery system, and then contact us at 800-274-9376 for more information.

The perfect choice for facilities that need to collect wash water or pick up after a fire or flood

There are a long list of situations in which this system is the perfect solution, from crews cleaning up after fires or floods, to maintenance crews that have to collect wash water. Our polyethylene separation tanks are uniquely non-corrosive. We’ve made sure that they weigh a lot less than your typical 50-gallon steel drum, and we make it easy for you to quickly and easily get inside via a quick lift-off lid. This makes cleaning and maintenance a breeze.

The valve is oversized for ease of use

Our large 1 ½ inch valve is perfect for getting rid of solids and sludge that settles at the bottom of your vacuum. Each of the two separation tanks has a transfer system that automatically pumps water out to wherever you need it to – whether a sanitary sewer, bulk tank, landscape, or wherever it’s permitted. You don’t have to deal with heavy tipping to dump it into your own tanks.

The long list of features will impress you

At Hydro Tek, we know this business inside and out and we know what our clients need. That’s why we’ve created this 100% self-contained unit that doesn’t need a generator or even a 110v plug for the transfer pumps. Instead, you can hook up your transfer pumps directly to an on-board 12v battery. We have truly thought of everything to make this system as useful as possible for you.

We also know that you want total control of air flow when you’re using different pickup devices, or when you have different hose lengths. That’s why we’ve given this unit an air throttle valve right on the vacuum tank. There are also quick-plug connectors for high water shutdown and for transfer pumps. You can use with either one or two pickup devices, and recovery is up to 25gpm with a total hose length of 350 feet.

We also know that you don’t want space taken up unnecessarily, which is why this system has such a small footprint with both the fuel tank and the battery box integrated right into the frame. There’s a lift-out strainer basket that makes it easy to get rid of large pieces of debris before you empty the rest into separation tanks.

What’s more, you can actually vacuum and pump out at the same time – and automatically. That’s right, you won’t lose suction or lose time dumping tanks. If this all sounds too good to be true then we recommend you reach out to Hydro Tek right away at 800-274-9376 .

3 Reasons to Work with Your Local Pressure Washer Service Center

3 Reasons to Work with Your Local Pressure Washer Service Center

At Hydro Tek, we have a few goals. One is obviously to offer distribution deals for the best hot water and cold water pressure washers in the industry. Another goal is to ensure that every customer is happy with their purchase – and part of reaching that goal involves ensuring that they have access to the best partners in the business.

That’s why we always encourage our clients to work with their local pressure washer service center. You can find your local distributor online or give us a call at 800-274-9376 to learn more about your many options. We look forward to helping you move forward and offering the best services possible to you.

  1. You have access to a complete repair service

  2. One of the great things about working with Hydro Tek is that we offer incredible warranties on our pressure washers. We do this because we stand behind the units we sell, but in the event that you do need warranty repair done, the local center will be your best bet.

    When you work with your local, authorized, warranty center, you’ll get your pressure washer back in working order in no time – and you can significantly reduce your downtime. When you want superior service, incredible workmanship, and the personalized attention you deserve, then your local pressure washer service center is the right choice. Centers that are authorized by the factory offer both on-site repairs and in-house repairs.

  3. You can get in-person information about everything you need

  4. When you work with the factory authorized pressure washer service center, you’re working with technicians who are experienced, and a whole lot more. These are people who’ve attended our factory training on both sales and service – which means they can help you with both.

    Many of the folks at these service centers have decades of experience just working with pressure washers. They know these machines inside and out, they have a fleet of service trucks available, and they can provide you with essential resources you might not even think to ask for. Local distributors can also help service pressure washers for regular maintenance.

  5. You’re supporting a local business

  6. When you work with a local company, you’re ensure that your money stays in your local economy – which can have a huge impact on your local community. You can also build relationships with these local folks who can help you find the right equipment, can help offer tips to sell to your clients, and can even troubleshoot a variety of issues you may have.

Finally, they can even advise you about the trends and economic realities not just of this industry but of the industry in your region. After all, why waste time going after a certain demographic if they have information that there’s a better option? To learn more about your options to get involved in the distribution of pressure washers, contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 today.

6 Applications for Pressure Washers That You May Not Have Thought Of

6 Applications for Pressure Washers That You May Not Have Thought Of

Whether you’re already selling pressure washers to your customers or you’re thinking about adding them to your inventory, Hydro Tek is excited to do business with you. We know that it’s common for our clients to think of our quality equipment in just one or two applications but you may be surprised to learn what some of our end users use our pressure washers for. Here are six applications that may surprise you.

  1. Coating removal washer

  2. For companies or individuals who are constantly removing graffiti, prep cleaning metal, or other things that require the removal of coating, a pressure washer may be just the thing for them. These pressure washers can clean a long list of surfaces quickly, easily, efficiently, and without much manual labor at all.

  3. Off shore rig washer

  4. From cleaning up a small oil spill, to hose drilling mud right off the rig, to a number of things in between, hot water pressure washers can handle a lot more than you may imagine. Don’t forget that Hydro Tek is also here to supply mobile systems that can reach virtually any part of an offshore rig.

  5. Oil spill cleanup

  6. Of course, an off shore rig isn’t the only place your clients may deal with a minor oil spill. Our mobile units are perfect for any type of environmental cleanup – especially when they’re paired up with a high powered vacuum system. The equipment available from Hydro Tek makes it easy to clean up oil-coated objects and to capture and get rid of the contaminants.

  7. Logging equipment washer

  8. When you think of logging, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If you worked in the logging industry, the answer would likely be: Mud. There’s a ton of heavy equipment required by a logging businesses, and that equipment gets dirty every time it’s used. Whether it’s crusted with mud, has engine fluids, grease, or oil on it, the opportunity for logging companies to instantly blast their equipment clean is one they won’t want to pass up.

  9. Oil field equipment washer

  10. Oil field cleanup is notoriously difficult and messy, but it just got a lot easier with the SS portable pressure washer available from Hydro Tek. It can be mounted to a truck or on a trailer, and can be driven almost anywhere – even the most remote location. This is a great way to keep pumping and drilling equipment clean and in good operating shape.

  11. Roof and concrete cleaner

  12. Anytime a person sees mold, mildew, moss, or dirt, they’re going to find the place they’re in to be dirty, old, and unappealing. Depending on the type of business in question, this can easily lead to losing clients. The good news is that there are numerous pressure washers available from Hydro Tek that can meet any needs.

Are you ready to learn more about selling our incredible pressure washers? Then reach out to Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 .

How to Convince a Property Management Company to Invest in a Pressure Washer

How to Convince a Property Management Company to Invest in a Pressure Washer

As a distributor of Hydro Tek, you’ll have a lot of ways to show your clients and customers just how incredible our products are. However, we want to make sure that you’re considering all your potential markets. That’s why we’re offering you some tips today to help you if you haven’t yet reached out to your local property management companies. Here are a few reasons you can give them to invest in one of our high quality pressure washers.

Dirty ceilings can be enough to lose tenants

Even if you have a unit professionally cleaned, the cleaning company is not likely to do an exceptional job on the ceilings. This may seem like a small deal, but remember that potential tenants are going to remember the one thing they didn’t like – not the 100 things they did like. With a pressure washer, a property management company can ensure that those out-of-reach but still visible areas are clean as can be.

Pressure washers can reduce labor costs

Ask the property management manager how many hours they spend per year washing windows. Ask them how many hours they spend sending their maintenance people out to wash hard-to-reach areas, or to clean stubborn parts of a building? If the answer is “too many” then your answer should be: Invest in a hot water pressure washer. Not only will they help to reduce labor hours spent on these tasks, but they can lower the overall cleaning costs.

Pressure washers can reduce the cost of chemicals

As we mentioned above, lowering labor hours isn’t the only way to reduce costs with a pressure washer – they can also reduce the cost of chemicals. For example, if you do have a workman up on a ladder, washing second, third, fourth, etc. story windows, what are they using? Window cleaner. And what happens as soon as they spray it? It starts to drip down the window and gets washed away. With a pressure washer, just the water itself is enough.

Pressure washers are good for the environment

In this day and age, many tenants are looking for property management companies that are into green living and green property management. Though a water pressure washer may initially seem to waste water, the opposite is actually true. Because they are so efficient, they use their water in a very targeted way, and the result can be a much lower water usage rate than you’d see with other methods.

There are mobile options out there

Many property management companies simply don’t know about the latest advancements in hot water pressure washers. For example, they don’t know that they can invest in a mobile unit that can be installed to a truck or a trailer. This makes it simple for companies to quickly and easily get the pressure washer from one location to another.

Is Training Really Necessary for Selling Pressure Washers?

Is Training Really Necessary for Selling Pressure Washers?

If your company is considering offering pressure washers, then you may assume that extensive training isn’t necessary. After all, you know the basics and if the client has questions, they can visit the site of the manufacturer, right? Well, this may result in some sales, but Hydro Tek is here to tell you that training can be more useful than you think. What’s more, we offer you training at a number of local distribution locations.

Learn how to operate and maintain pressure washing equipment

First and foremost, training can help you and your employees learn how to operate and maintain a hot pressure or cold water pressure washer. By actually learning how to operate this machinery, you’ll be better able to answer questions to the end consumer. By learning how to maintain these units, you can answer questions both at the point of sale and months down the line when they have questions.

It may seem as though you wouldn’t want to help customers maintain their pressure washer. After all, the sooner they need to replace it, the sooner you’ll be ready to make another sale. However, remember that your bread and butter doesn’t come from selling hot water pressure washers. If you can sell a few and make a profit, that’s great – but the real value is in encouraging customers to believe in your product and your expertise. Knowing the products you sell inside and out is a great way to achieve this.

Learn all about proper safety protocol

The machines we sell at Hydro Tek are serious. They are extremely powerful – and extremely effective – but their power can make them dangerous in the wrong hands. There are overall regulations on operating these machines safely, and then there are local regulations – and these regulations may differ. By working with a trainer who knows your industry and your locale inside and out, you are assured to know the latest regulations.

Learn how to upsell

Any good salesperson will tell you that a large part of being a successful salesperson is upselling. This means if you work at a restaurant and someone orders a burger, you subtly convince them that they need fries and a drink too.

In the world of pressure washers, upselling means adding in accessories, detergents, and other incidentals that will help your clients get the most out of their pressure washer. If you aren’t able to explain exactly how these work – and why they’re a great idea for your clients – then it will end up just looking as though you are trying to sell them something. Your goal is to convince them that they need these things, not just to convince them that you want to sell them.

These are just some of the advantages of training with your local pressure washer distributor. If you have questions or need to help finding the right location, feel free to reach out to Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 .

  • Hot Water Pressure Washers

    Hydro Tek hot water pressure washers are designed to tackle the toughest messes wherever they may occur. Our products feature high-quality stainless steel construction, simple controls, and an innovative Spiralast™ heating coil that improves efficiency and reduces your fuel costs. We manufacture the Spiralast™ coils right here in our facility using a proprietary cold rolled process and robotic welds for exceptional strength and unimpeded flow. Our Spiralast™ lifetime warranty is the ONLY lifetime heating coil warranty in the industry.

  • Advantages of a Hot Water Pressure Washer

    Simply by heating up the water, a hot water pressure washer delivers dramatically improved cleaning power compared to a cold water machine. Hot water pressure washers are especially useful for cleaning sticky, greasy, or oily surfaces, because they will loosen the dirt much faster without the large amounts of soap, detergent, or other cleaning chemicals that must be used with a cold water system.

  • Hot Water Pressure Washer Applications

    A hot water pressure washer is essential for any cleanup job involving a sticky, greasy, or oily mess, as well as for applications where a surface must be sanitized. With a variety of models available, including self-contained mobile units with gas, diesel, or electric power, Hydro Tek hot water pressure washers can go anywhere and clean anything. Some common applications include heavy equipment cleaning, vehicle cleaning, graffiti removal, restaurant hood vent cleaning, and livestock facility cleaning.

Quality & Innovation Since 1985

Hydro Tek

From simple beginnings in 1985, Hydro Tek has grown to become the most trusted name in the pressure washer manufacturing industry.

How did we do it? By continually focusing on quality and reliability as the key to customer satisfaction, and by incorporating the latest technologies into our design and manufacturing processes.

By 1991, we were using computer-aided drafting systems to refine our product designs and improve efficiency. In 1997, we brought the power of computers to the shop floor by incorporating laser-cutting and other CNC manufacturing machinery, and in 2001 we began focusing on improving efficiency through the latest manufacturing techniques. The end result has been superior products delivered at a superior value to our customers. Through the next decade, we look forward to fulfilling our vision of making our products the "obvious choice" for all your industrial and commercial cleaning needs.