The agriculture industry is facing many issues in today’s world. Any one of these issues on their own would be difficult, but dealing with new requirements, sick workers, and difficulty finding people to work, it is a hard time to be in this business. However, at Hydro Tek we know there are solutions. Read on to learn about some of the cleaning solutions that could help your company, then contact us at 800-274-9376 or find a dealer near you to get the equipment you need.
Create a Detailed Plan
Before you get started, sit down and make a plan. One of the easiest ways to skip steps or not sanitize something entirely is to simply do tasks in any order and without a thought to the overall goal. Instead, you should be taking the time to create a plan before you even begin.
Make Sure You Have the Right Cleaning Pressure
Every job is unique and you will never use your hot water pressure washer in the exact same way twice. That is why you have to determine the right pressure for each job. The right answer will depend on the surface you are cleaning and what you are cleaning from it. The goal is to use enough pressure to get the job done but without putting the surface in danger of damage.
Find the Perfect Cleaning Temperature
Just as you need the right cleaning pressure, you need the right temperature too. The hotter the water gets, the more germs it is able to kill. For example, if you use water that is between 185 – 212F it can kill most bacteria colonies, but if you want to kill them entirely you will have to get up to 311F. You do not always need to kill every bacteria colony but you can see from this example that the hotter the water is, the more likely it is to be safe from bacteria.
Use the Right Detergent
You are not likely to use an all-purpose detergent when you have such a specific goal. Instead, use a detergent that is right for the job it is doing. Make sure you know what the local and statewide regulations are on what ingredients you can use. Once you have the right detergent you need, use it to soak the surface so that it can kill any layers of dirt or waste that take longer to break down.
Once it has soaked in, use hot water to rinse off the surface. Then apply your disinfectant, which you should choose based on again on the specific job you are doing, the rules in your area, and the type of bacteria you are worried about.
If you need help finding the right equipment for all your agriculture cleaning solutions, we invite you to contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 to get started.