If you are planning to buy a pressure washer then you will have a number of factors to consider and decisions to make. However, for many people there is no more challenging choice than that between gas and electric. At Hydro Tek we offer a wide selection of pressure washers and accessories. There is no single model that’s perfect for everyone and so it is up to you to decide what will work best for you.
Today we will go over some of the advantages and disadvantages of each option. If you have additional questions, please reach out to us at 800-274-9376 or sales@hydrotek.us. We are here to use our years of experience to ensure you get exactly what you need.
The pros and cons of a gas-powered pressure washer
One of the biggest advantages of choosing a gas-powered pressure washer is the fact that they are portable. They are not hooked up to any cords at all, which means that they can be used anywhere there is enough ventilation. They are also the more powerful option, which makes them a top choice for those who want a power washer for commercial or industrial needs.
The main disadvantage of a gas-powered pressure washer is that it cannot be used in an area that does not have ventilation. For example, if you need pressure washers to clean out buildings, then gas-powered is not the right choice. If you need to clean out a basement, closed garage, bathroom, etc., then you will need something without fumes. Gas powered options are also more expensive upfront and more expensive to run than electric options.
The pros and cons of an electric-powered pressure washer
The other main fuel source is electric. These are extremely quiet machines, which make them a much better choice for residential needs. Though they are not portable enough to be used anywhere (they require an electrical outlet to be plugged into) they do not give off fumes, which means they can be used in enclosed places such as basements and bathrooms.
The fact that electric-powered pressure washers are more affordable to purchase and run is an advantage as well, but it comes at a price. These units do not have as much power capacity as a gas model. They also do not last as long and they require more maintenance. However, they are often the choice of a person or company that plans to use them occasionally.
Still not sure? We can help you decide
If you are still not sure if a gas or electric powered pressure washer is best for your needs then there is good news: We are here to help. Contact Hydro Tek today and we can go over our catalog with you. There are other factors that can be considered, which we are more than happy to discuss. Call now and find the perfect pressure washer for your needs.