Sometimes we receive inquiries about the automatic shut down devices for the gas powered hot water pressure washers. On occasions, the untrained operator neglects to shut off the system when it is no longer being used for cleaning work. Gas is wasted and there is a wish for the machine to have shut off automatically as the operator has left the area.
While a gas auto shut down is technically possible, it may pay off to first look deeper at the condition or circumstance that allows any unsupervised operation of the machine. One might find this to be a significant safety concern and should be questioned.
When the pressure washer operator leaves the machine running it is just like a loaded weapon, and he must understand that the gun is armed with deadly force, hot or cold, which could easily be discharged by unsuspecting pedestrians, or children into equipment or persons not intended. Supervisors must instruct to the user to cool down and shut off the equipment as instructed in the operation manual.
This can also be true on systems with pressure sensitive unloaders. Trapped pressure in the hose system between the unloader and gun has the potential for injuring someone even if the engine or motor is off, so a trigger pull with the gun pointed in a safe direction to “disarm” the system must also be done regularly, and shut off the switch.
Operators must be trained & be able to recognize this potential for injury. They must also be trained & expected to perform the shut down procedures correctly and to shut off the unit when not spraying water.
Hydro Tek thinks that using a pressure washer safely is of utmost importance. Do you have any safety tip you would like to share? Please comment on this blog if you do.
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